all postcodes in UB5 / GREENFORD

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB5 6AA 11 5 51.545027 -0.369564
UB5 6AD 16 1 51.54395 -0.371059
UB5 6AE 14 0 51.542131 -0.370864
UB5 6AF 20 0 51.541504 -0.370382
UB5 6AG 72 11 51.542706 -0.365003
UB5 6AH 6 5 51.53909 -0.370108
UB5 6AJ 61 0 51.532175 -0.382408
UB5 6AL 21 1 51.533541 -0.371979
UB5 6AN 16 0 51.535193 -0.371775
UB5 6AP 53 0 51.535002 -0.37295
UB5 6AR 33 0 51.536143 -0.372866
UB5 6AS 15 0 51.53246 -0.372507
UB5 6AT 1 1 51.532337 -0.375943
UB5 6AU 1 1 51.532699 -0.38324
UB5 6AW 12 0 51.536282 -0.371837
UB5 6AX 30 0 51.532452 -0.384244
UB5 6AY 30 0 51.531005 -0.384972
UB5 6AZ 60 0 51.530326 -0.385285
UB5 6BA 30 0 51.531047 -0.384063
UB5 6BB 15 0 51.531994 -0.383683